Over the years I have taught electricity and magnetism. Here are lecture notes from two courses,
Just the other day (March 2025) I found this photograph of a biscuit that some students made for me in December 2016; showing an EM wave.
When the pandemic struck in March 2020 we rapidly abandoned lectures and as quickly as I could I made primitive videos for the last week or so taking the students through the notes. In the summer of 2020 the whole teaching staff, led by Peter Main and Samjid Mannan, put together a programme of video lectures indended to be as professional as possible given that most of us had little experience. (It is amusing to reflect that the Universities faced this problem in a variety of ways, treating it as a wholly new challenge. As far as I recollect no-one pointed out that there has existed an Institution since 1969 which has been doing this for decades, namely the Open University.)
I was given immeasurable help in teaching this course in 2021 by two of my PhD students, Martina Ruffino and Omar Al-lahham; and Michela Florinda Picardi who is a post doc with Francisco (Paco) Rodríguez Fortuño. The Department owes a sizeable debt of gratitude to our younger lecturers, in particular Paco and Furqaan Yusaf, who have grasped the nettle in embracing the use of video technology to put all of our teaching on-line. I particularly thank Paco for showing me how to use OBS studio with infinite patience.
Having prepared a number of video lectures I have decided to put them on a YouTube channel, with links below. I regret the very amateurish quality of sound and picture (entirely due to my own ineptness) but I feel that some of the insights may be useful to others wishing to follow the course.