Professor Tony Paxton
Senior Research InvestigatorEmeritus Professor
Department of MaterialsDepartment of Physics
Imperial College LondonKing's College London
South Kensington CampusStrand
Royal School of MinesLondon WC2R 2LS
Prince Consort Road
London SW7 2AZ
Office 2M.13

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Tony Paxton at Imperial College London
Emeritus staff do not have websites at KCL Physics
Royal Society Scientific Discussion Meeting: The challenges of hydrogen and metals. Proceedings in Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, 375 (2017)

Google Scholar Publications List

Selected Publications


A big part of doing theoretical metallurgy is the making of simulations in the computer. As long as sensible approximations are made and reasonably realistic models are constructed then these can be extremely useful and even predictive. Great fun can be had making movies of these and such animations can be quite insightful. Here are one or two examples from recent work in my group.

The movies embedded in these pages do not display on all browsers. So I have also made links from each movie to a YouTube player. The link is the title in the caption box to each movie, or embedded in the text.


Two lectures on tight binding delivered at EPFL Lausanne, August 2015, and some lecture notes.

Lecture notes

When I'm preparing new lecture courses I frequently find it very useful to consult notes that other lecturers have put on their web pages for their students. So with absolutely no guarantee and in the hope that they will be useful here are some of mine.

Last modified: 5th March 2025 (Tony Paxton)